Selasa, 24 Januari 2012
The Holographic Universe (Michael Tallbot)
The Brain as Hologram (Karl Pribram);
memories were not localized at specific brain sites, but were somehow spread out or distributed throughout the brain as a whole. “The whole in every part” nature of hologram.
Which is true reality, the seemingly objective world experienced by the observer/ photographer or the blur of interference patterns record by the camera/ brain ?
Pribram realized, the holographic brain model opened the door on the possibility that objective reality – might not even exist, or at leat not exist in the way we believe it exist.
Reality was maya, an illusion and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a ‘frequency domain’ that was transformed into the world as we know it only after it entered our sense.
The Cosmos as Hologram (Bohm) = HOLOMOVEMENT
Quantum physics; if you break matter into smaller and smaller pieces you eventually reach a point where the those pieces – electrons, protons, and so on – no longer possess the traits of objects. It literally posessesses no dimension.
An electron can manifest as either a particle or a wave. The only time quanta* ever manifest as particles is when we are looking at them (observer vs participant ?)
*quanta is the plural of quantum. One electron is quantum (synonymous with wave parcticle;
something that possesses both particle and wave aspects)
Interconnectedness (Bohm)
A Living Sea of Electrons; behaving as if they part of larger and interconnected whole.
Nonlocality; At the level of our everyday lives things have very specific laocations. At the subquantum level which the quantum potential operated, location ceased to exist. All points in space became equal to all other points in space, and it wasmeaningless to speak of anything as being separated from anything else.
Enfolded Order and Unfolded Realities
The implicate ( enfolded) order – the deeper level of reality
The explicate (unfolded) order – our own level of existence
The manifestation of all forms in the universe as the result of countless enfolding and unfolding between two orders.
The Undived Wholeness of All Things.
An electron is not an ‘elementary particle.’ It is just a name given to a ceratin aspect of the holomovement. Divining reality up into parts and then naming those parts is always arbitary, a product of convention, because subatomic particles, and everything else in the universe, are no more separate from another than diffrenet pattern in an ornate carpet.
Space and time are not separate entities (Einstein), but are smoothly linked and part of a larger whole – the space time continuum. Bohm says that everything in the universe is part of continuum. You are the samething with everything. Things can be part of an undivided whole and still possess their own unique qualities.
The observer is the observed. The Observer is also the measuring device, the experimental result, the laboratory, and the breeze that blows outside the laboratory.
Pribram and Bohm theories; new way of looking at the world.
Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequancies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: the brain is ahologram enfolded in a holographic universe.
We can view ourselves as physical bodies moving through space. Or we can view ourselves as a blur of interference patterns ebfolded throught the cosmic hologram.
What makes it difficult is – we are not looking at the hologram. We are part of the hologram.
The Holographic Model and psychology ; personal resonance; personal consciousness
Dreams and Holographic Universe
Lucid dreams and Parallel Universes (parallel universe awareness) (F A wolf)
Hitching a Ride on the Infinite Subway ;the idea that we are able to access images from the collective unconscious, or even visit paralle dream universe.
(Transpersonal Psychology ; Stanislav Grof; LSD experiment – prebirth memories)
Synchronicity (C G Jung); coincidences that are so unusual and so meaningful they could hardly be attributed to change alone.
Every action starts from an intention in the implicate oreder. The imagination is already the creation of the form. It already has the intention and the germs off all the movement needed to carry it out. And it affects the body and so on, so that as creration takes place in that way from the subtler levels oth the implicate order, it goes through them until it manifest in the explicate.
Basketball games in the mind (Shlomo Breznitz; soldire’s blood experiment);
Bodies responded not to reality, but to what they were imaging as reality.
Larry dossey; Placebo Effect; Mr Wright story; Richard Alpert (RamDass), etc. Immunce cells have neuropeptide receptors. Neuropeptides are molecules the brain uses to communicate
The beliefs we embody in our attitudes
(exp. Married women have stronger immune systems than separated or divorced women)
The beliefts we express through the power of our will
(Schwartz; Mirin Dajo – public performances; Mohotty – Kataragama)
Our Unconscious Belief ; accessing the healing force – by pass the thick armor of doubt and skepticism that exist in our conscious minds. (Placebo, Hypnosis, etc.)
The beliefs embodied in our faith
(the extraordinary cure of Vittorio Michelli)
Acupuncture Microsystems and the Little Man in the Ear (Paul Nogier, 1957)
Every organ and bone in the body is connected to specific points on the body’s surface. By activating these acupuncture points, it is believed that diseases and imbalances affecting the parts of the body connected to the points can be alleviated and even cured.
Harnessing the Power of the Holographic Brain
According the holographic model; the mind/ body ultimately cannot distinquish the difference between the neural holograms the brain uses to experience reality and the ones it conjure up while imagining reality. Both have a dramatic effect on the human organism.
First Massage : Each of us possesses the ability, at least at some level, to influence our health and control our physical form in ways that are nothing short of dazzling. We are potential wonder-workers, dormant yogis, etc.
Second Massage : is that elements that go into the making of these neural holograms are many and subtle. (the images upon which we meditate, our hopes and fears, ect.). We must become aware of and aquire mastery over if we are to learn how to unleash and manipulate these talents.
A Pocketful of Miracles
Psychokinesis; Psycometry; Materialization; OBE, NDE (importance; love and knowledge –self growth)
The eyes may be visual organs, but it is the brain that sees. Less than 50% of what we see is actually based on information enetering our eyes. The remaing 50% plus is pieced together out of our expectations of what the world should look like. (exp. blind spot)
The Human Energy Field
The etheric body; the astral (emotional body); the mental body; the causal (intuiteve body). We also have special energy centers in our body (chakras). HEF – Aura.
Psyche is always trying to teach the conscious self things it needs to know to become healthier and happier, and grow spiritually.
summary; Holographic Universe, Michael Tallbot. ks.2011
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